No one likes being injured, especially when the injury puts you out of action for an extended period of time. The hamstring is situated in your thigh, and pulling it effectively means you have strained the muscle. The level of pulled hamstring strain will dictate how bad the injury is and how long it is […]
Tips in Setting Up a Fitness Gym Business
You can find more health-conscious people these days. Given the health crisis we face, more people are finding ways to stay fit. Being healthy during a pandemic couldn’t be more critical. If you decide to capitalize on it, you might want to start a fitness gym. Here are some tips to help you get started […]
Is breast Lift surgery safe for all women?
Women often feel conscious about their bodies specifically breasts, after pregnancy and during the aging process. Breast Lift surgery is becoming more and more common with each passing day. This is because of the reason that there is notable sagginess in the breast of married women as compared to the singles, hence many women are […]
Communication Mask
With the highly contagious Delta variant continuing to infect individuals, Canadian max experts are weighing in that a cloth mask may not provide enough protection. Dr. Ronald St. John, former director-general of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response, told CTV News Channel to make sure the little metal band […]
Dry mouth- Why is my mouth dry for no reason?
Dry mouth also known as xerostomia is the inability of the salivary glands in the mouth to produce adequate amount of saliva (which is needed to moisten and cleanse the mouth and help digest food) to keep the mouth wet. This could be cause by dehydration and sometimes anxiety. Some drugs and medication as well […]
The Technology Transforming How People Manage Chronic Health Conditions
Chronic health conditions are common across global populations, especially in older generations. Managing these conditions – be they hypertension, diabetes, obesity, or a variety of genetic diseases – can sometimes feel like a full-time job, cutting into the time you’d otherwise spend with loved ones or following your passions. So anything that can help relieve […]
Emergen-C – Does it live up to the claim
Vitamin C is a vital nutrient for health. Because Vitamin C is, water soluble our body does not store it, therefore to maintain adequate levels of Vitamin C, we need to consume food that contains it daily. When you hear the word vitamin C, you immediately think of Oranges. They are the best source of […]