It can be very difficult to achieve the sleep you need if you spent the night tossing and turning all night. If you haven’t already noticed, a lack of sleep can lead to many things, including irritability, mood swings, loss of energy and productivity, and much more. It is estimated that 1 in 3 adults […]
Create a Viral Marketing Campaign on Social media
Viral marketing or viral advertising is a marketing strategy whereby consumers are encourage to share your content across social media platforms. When done correctly it can generate more product sales and more leads for your business. Let’s take a look at some key viral marketing tactics that have worked before, and will work again. Online […]
Wedding Perfumes That You’ll Remember Forever
Your wedding is a once in a lifetime event. That is why you want the very best for your wedding day. This day should be memorable and worth remembering for the rest of your life. From choosing the perfect wedding dress to wear, to your wedding bouquet and selecting a long lasting wedding perfume a […]
Worst Exercises that cause low back pain
It has always been said that doing core specific exercises can help you build a stronger back and avoid back injuries. Also, it has been believed that you need to do exercises that toughen your butt muscles, since these helps and protect the back spine. But are you still experiencing back pain? For a fact, […]
7 Healing Herbs for Diabetes
Diabetes currently affects over 425 million people worldwide. It is a disease in which your blood sugar levels are too high. Your blood sugar comes from different kinds of food that you eat. Insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose get into your cells to give them energy. There are two types of diabetes. […]
Doe Deere Creates Express with Color and Hard Work
Doe Deere is the face behind many colorful businesses. One of the first businesses Doe was involved in is a makeup line called Lime Crime, but Lime Crime did not start as a cosmetic company. While living in New York, Doe began sewing her own line of fashion that was punkish and modern. She put […]
The Road Trip: An American Experience
One of the greatest features of our country is that we can simply hop into our cars and drive anywhere we want with almost little to no state or federal checkpoints. The road trip is almost as American as apple pie because it conveys the freedom we have as citizens of the United States. However, […]