With a hectic life being normal these days, it’s easy to forget about properly maintaining your skin. Picking up kids or siblings, going to work or school, and hanging out with friends and loved ones do take up a lot of your time. So how are you supposed to take a few moments out of […]
Making the Most of Working From Home
You’ve made the decision to leave your day job and start working for yourself from the comfort of your home. You know several people who in recent years have done the same and are enjoying the benefits. Here’s a list of things that will help you achieve success working from home. Schedule Appointments for One […]
How to Stop Menstrual Pain in Its Tracks
Ugh! Here it goes again! Those painstakingly horrible period cramps! The pain and discomfort are so unbearable at times, you just want to curl up into the fetal position and cry. Yet, life has to go on. Whether it’s taking care of the kids, getting things done around the house, or putting in a shift […]
A Look Back on the Women’s Suffrage Movement and Its Impact
It’s hard to believe that just 100 years ago, women finally received the right to vote. Many of us take this right for granted, unaware of the fight our great-great-grandmothers took part in to give us the life we have today. However, we still have a long way to go for equality. We need to […]
Cool Gift Ideas for the Man in Your Life
Whether his birthday is just around the corner or maybe your wedding anniversary is next month, it can be hard to come up with cool gift ideas for the man in your life. If you are struggling with what to get him, we have a few suggestions that you may want to consider. We’ve browsed […]
Healthy Ways for Working Moms to Reduce Stress
Being a mother is a stressful job and gets more overwhelming for working moms trying to put food on the table. You don’t have to live in a state of stress; there are healthy ways you can promote inner wellness, and the following are a few examples. Natural Supplements There are a lot of things […]
How to Have the Energy You Need to Seize the Day
For the everyday individual, it can be a challenge sometimes to get out of bed and start the day. There’s nothing more essential to being the most productive person you can be than adopting healthy habits to boost your energy. While a lot of us may resort to vitamins or medication to get by, there […]