
Top Experiences You Shouldn’t Miss Out In Your 30s

A common preconception is that, by the time they’re 30; women should be already “settled”, meaning having a house, a partner, and children. Despite living in the 21st century, these stereotypes are perpetuated by the media, role models in our lives, as well as both men and women.  Raise your hand if your Facebook news feed isn’t filled with happy mothers posting 100 pictures a day with their newborn or toddler. Or those who are constantly traveling and checking in luxurious destinations you can’t even dream of.

30th birthday

No matter what you choose to be in life, the 30s are the perfect age to shake off all regrets, get rid of all negative people in your life, and apologize for nothing. It is your life, and whoever doesn’t agree with your lifestyle, can simply walk away.

That being said, to all women out there in their 30s, single, married, in a relationship, with children, career women, all of the above or none – you are fabulous and fierce. And, if you’re still looking for ways to show this to the world or just overcome some fears, here are some experiences you shouldn’t miss out on.


Shooting a gun

woman with gun

It’s liberating, it’s cathartic, it’s sexy, and it’s bold. It makes you feel like sleeping with a rock star only without the hangover from the cheap booze. If you haven’t tried shooting a gun before, you might as well do it while your hands are not shaking.

You don’t have to become an expert or go for the bull’s eye, but knowing how to shoot a gun can also come in handy for self-defense situations. If your state laws allow you to carry a firearm with you for protection, you might take it into account, especially if you live in a bad neighborhood, work in shifts, tend to stay out late, or you fear for your life.

As long as you understand the risks and you know how to handle it carefully, just threatening to use a gun can help save your life in a critical situation.


Going on a vacation on your own


No matter, if you’re single or already have a significant other and children in your life, spending some quality time alone with yourself, will help you grow as a person. Don’t be afraid to travel alone, even if it’s just for the weekend and in a town not far from home.

If you haven’t experienced this by now, it’s high time you booked a ticket to a fancy resort abroad or a new town and visited it as soon as it’s safe to travel again. You will learn new things about yourself and, most importantly,  step outside your comfort zone.

By going on vacation alone you will gain complete freedom. You take on the responsibility of how you want your trip to be. You get to choose where to go, what to do, how to dress, where to eat dinner, and how many new people you’re willing to meet. In most cases, you will find your way back home a changed person, with an experience you’ll never forget.


Learn to play an instrument


Playing an instrument teaches you about patience, dedication, time management, and sacrifices. You don’t have to be a virtuoso or get overly excited and start buying a garage worth of music accessories, like an amplifier you can find in this review.

But, you can learn to better express your feelings and emotions through sounds, be more patient, and enjoy the simple things in life that make you happy. Music is one of the best therapies to relieve stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts, and it can also be uplifting, whether you choose to play it for yourself or an audience.


Learning to let go of the past

Happy friends

Regrets, questionable decisions, and bad moments are the ones that draw you back and prevent you from reaching your full potential. If you want to be happy, you need to learn to let go of everything that wasn’t meant to be, everything that made you hurt, and everything that made you angry.

You may not have accomplished everything you wanted by your 30s and it’s OK. Or, you may think you have everything you wished for and still not feel whole. And that’s OK too.

The greatest experience of the 30s is learning to cope with your past and prevent it from influencing your future decision. If you want to change your career, there’s no one stopping you. Perhaps you may wish to grow as a person and dedicate your full time to raising your children and looking after your home, by all means, do it.


Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.
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