modern bathroom

You might feel as if your bathroom is the dullest room in your entire house. However, this does not have to be the case, and it is possible to turn your bathroom into a contemporary and beautiful space where you never want your showers to end. Then, if you are looking to redecorate, here are some top tips to help you create a dream modern bathroom for you and your family.

 modern bathroom

·      Transform It Using Tadelakt

It is easy to fall into the habit of decorating your bathroom in the same way that you have in the past. While this will allow your bathroom to look smart and feel familiar, this might not often give you the chance to try out new and interesting options that will stand out among the décor of the rest of your home. To break away from the usual trappings of bathroom décor and go for a truly inspired design, you should consider using tadelakt. Although this is a traditional style of plastering, it is not often seen in the US and beyond and can provide your bathroom with a winning style that will make it an attractive space. This is also a great choice for those who are fed up with redesigning their bathrooms, as it is also incredibly durable and will last a long time, no matter how chaotic your family is. This means you should look for a guide on how to plan a tadelakt wet room to get you started.

·      Invest in a Sofa

Modern Bathroom

Do you often want to sit down before or after a shower? Do you need a seat in order to perform certain tasks, such as applying make-up? Do your kids often follow you in? Would you like to spend more time relaxing in your bathroom? If any of these are the case, you should consider investing in a bathroom sofa. Although you need to be careful about the material you choose to ensure it does not go damp or become stained by water, a bathroom sofa can add a dose of luxury and comfort to your space and encourage you to while away the hours in this room. It can also give you a private and secondary space to enjoy away from the noise and bustle of the rest of your family home. This can be a particularly perfect option in en-suites.

·      Choose Your Bath Tub Wisely

You might only have thought about your bathtub long enough in the past to consider how big it is. However, there are many different styles of bath tub, and some are more modern than others. Many people are now opting for freestanding tubs that can become central features of the room, potentially offering you more space to splash around in and indulge. You might even add some elegant finishing touches, such as marble. This will allow even the practical elements of your bathroom to appear thought-out and up-to-date.

·      Add Light

Master bath

It is important to see what you are doing when you are in the bathroom, or you might find that you cut yourself shaving or slip in the tub. This means you should install clear-cut and sleek lighting in your bathroom. This lighting does not have to be boring, though, and you should look for fixtures in different, interesting shapes that can attract the eye and ensure that the first action people take when they enter your bathroom is to look up at what is above their heads.

·      Add Funky Bath Mats

Your bathroom might be a functional space, but this does not mean that you are unable to have a little fun with it. For instance, you might decide to sprinkle one or two bath mats around the space. These bath mats could have seasonal designs or bright patterns on them that lighten up your space and ensure every family member falls in love with your bathroom. These mats should also match the colorway of the rest of your space and be easily washable so that they do not quickly decay due to the number of wet feet constantly being dried on them.

Being creative and imaginative in your bathroom can be a difficult but not impossible task, especially if you are just looking at your bathroom with a traditional eye. However, with a few pieces of décor, light, space, and the right wall covering, you will be able to breathe life and modernity into your bathroom once more.

By James

James knows home improvement inside and out. He shares tips to boost your home's value, avoid costly mistakes, and pick the right tools.

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