Hobbies That Are Hot In 2023

Take Up A Hobby This Year Everyone’s talking about mindfulness, living in the present and taking care of oneself these days. There is no better way to do that than to take up a hobby or develop a passionate interest. Remember all those years you were so busy carving out a career while balancing a […]

Play Bingo To Stretch Your Brain

With the isolation and loneliness experienced by most people during pandemic lockdowns, there is growing awareness of the importance of mental wellness and self-care. Social interaction is important as you get older, and studies have shown that isolation (either through restrictions or hearing loss) can have a detrimental effect on the brain. It may even […]

8 Most Powerful Women in Global Entertainment

Women form the backbone of the global entertainment industry, right from the gaffers and runners to the media moguls at the top. Here are 8 of the most powerful women women executives who are directing entertainment operations and companies around the world from Seoul to Lagos and beyond. You won’t find Oprah or Reese Wither-spoon […]

Painting Easter potatoes

Apparently, families are hopping on the newest trend this year and painting Easter potatoes due to skyrocketing food prices. There’s no doubt about it: 2023 will be the year of the great Easter potato. The good news is that brushing up on your spud art can have a lot of benefits. In addition to being […]

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