family garden

There are so many different factors that can contribute to a thriving family garden. You need to think about the size of your space, the amount of sunlight available, what kind of plants you want to grow, who is going to use your garden, and what activities they will be doing – the list is endless.

Family Garden

This article is going to provide tips and tricks on how you can properly plan and prepare for a family garden one step at a time.


 First things first, who is going to be using your garden, and for what purpose?

 If you have young kids, you’ll want to carefully plan what plants and activities they can do in the space. If it’s just for them, you should choose less-troublesome plants that are easy for them to grow.

For those with a compact garden and an active dog, it may be prudent to invest in Grono artificial grass instead of establishing a natural lawn. This choice enables your dog to frolic freely without the concern of muddy paw prints being tracked indoors following rainfall or the unsightly bleached spots that can occur from their bathroom habits.

 If your garden is for the whole family, you can use gardening as an outlet or a way to spend time together outdoors. You can build a collection of plants that everyone in your family can enjoy.

Location, Location, Location

 When figuring out where you plan to put your garden space, think about the sunlight available throughout the day. Think about where you will be working with the sun as well as shade during late afternoon and evening times.

 It’s also important to take drainage into account too. If you have heavier or clay-based soil, it’s best to avoid planting in areas that slope down towards your home or other buildings nearby.

 If you have a garden near a well-used door, you’ll want to opt for a more sensitive plant species like grass or ground cover varieties like vinca as they are less likely to be trodden upon by well-meaning family members.

 If this is still an issue and they are going to walk through your garden, consider putting down steppingstones or other decorative elements, so they can negotiate the space, without disturbing the plants in the soil.

Incorporating Educational Elements

family garden

Another thing you may want to consider is planning a garden that also serves as an educational element. This can be done by designing your space in such a way that it engages your children in asking questions and promoting observation to gain knowledge.


While there are many ways to do this, you can use the environment around you to create different experiments, such as planting a variety of seeds at different depths. Encourage everyone in the family to guess which will grow into what kind of plant and see who guesses correctly.

Making It Fun

 Many people use their gardens to relax and enjoy the outdoors. Whether it’s planting carrot tops for the family to pick, or having a nighttime bonfire, adding some fun activities in your garden can make your experience more enjoyable.

 You may want to put in things for the children, like climbing apparatus or even a pool (with safety features). This is a great way to get kids outside doing some exercise too.


By Kate

Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.

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