3 Tips for Transferring to a Different College or University

There is a great deal of pressure involved in choosing the college that you want to attend. So much so, in fact, that many high school students end up starting out at a university that they don’t really enjoy, or that isn’t the right fit for them academically or socially. If you have recently found yourself in such a situation, there is nothing to be ashamed of. It is rather tough to have to decide at the age of 18 where you want to go to school for the next four years of your life and what you want to study while you are there. Many students across the country opt to transfer to a different college, and the process isn’t as complicated as you might initially think.

Here are three tips that can help you out as you look to transfer out of the school you are currently attending and into one that is going to be better for you in the long run.

3 Tips for Transferring to a Different College or University

Know Your Numbers

The first thing to establish when it comes to transferring to a different school is how your GPA and test scores compare to the admission requirements in place at the school you want to go to. While your high school transcripts might not be a requirement, your current grades at the school you are enrolled in will be.

It is a good idea to take the time to research the school that you have your sights set on specifically. For instance, if you want to transfer to Loyola Marymount University, check out the LMU college transfers guide at CampusReel.org for all of the specific information that you need.


Talk to Your Advisor


Even though you might feel a bit embarrassed to do so, it is important to talk to your current academic advisor if you want to transfer school. They will understand your situation entirely, so don’t be worried about speaking to them. They will be able to help you gather all of the information that you need to apply to a new school and successfully transfer your credits over.

Remember that thousands of students each year make the same decision that you have made to transfer. This means that you are hardly the first student to approach your advisor with this predicament. They will know what you need to do to end up at the right school for you.


Understand Cost Differences


Before you make the decision to transfer to a specific school, it is important to understand just how much the difference is in the cost of tuition and fees. You might be able to afford the school that you are currently enrolled at, only to find that the school you want to go to is too expensive. If so, knowing sooner rather than later is important. This way, you can make the necessary adjustments to your finances so that you can still be able to attend the college you want to go to.

By Kate

Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.

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