Words With Friends

Words With Friends is a popular online game that often functions as the alternative to Scrabble. If you know how to crack a word search game, then you are going to nail this online game.

However, if you are not acquainted with the game, you can still manage to win it with the help of a few helpful tricks and strategies that will help you to win.

To ace this game and win it from your friends, we have gathered a list of a few tricks and tips that will help you. To know more, keep reading!

Tricks to Win the Words With Friends Game

Words With Friends

There are some basic tricks that you should know before you start to play Words With Friends with your girl best friends.

  • Spell Out the Word


Did you know that Words with Friends is way easier than Scrabble? It is because this game doesn’t require you to do any Math!

In a game of Words With Friends, a happy robot automatically does the calculation for you. Whenever you spot a nice move, try to spell it out on the board. Next, move ahead by spelling out three words in three separate areas.

Do it every time and even if you find that your first move was the best, running through different possibilities will prove to be the best trick for you!

Learning the board through this method will help you to find the best moves and hence you will be able to win the game.

  • Playing Parallel


This one Words With Friends trick will guarantee your victory – Go Parallel. Make it a rule to not cross an opponent’s word. Slide alongside it. This trick will prosper your game.

Match vowels with consonants and vice versa to make words. Whenever your word touches your opponent’s word at two, three, or four different places, you’ll get two, three, or four extra points for those words whereas your opponent won’t.

  • Limit Your Words to 4-5 Letters 


If you go for shorter words, then you are likely to play at the center of the board. Long words are great but they can cause advantage to your opponent.

Your opponent can easily earn a lot of double and triple bonuses with the help of your words, hence keeping them short.

Short words that range from four to five letters will allow you to keep your game-play centralized and this will also facilitate you to control the margin points in a much better way.

  • Take Help of An Online Tool 


A little bit of help while playing Words with Friends is totally okay! If you’re stuck somewhere, you can make use of Word-Finder.com. This will help you find any word that you cannot seem to remember, and in turn, help you win!

  • Playing High-Value Letters Tactically


If you feel that letters like “J” and “X” are invaluable, then you are highly wrong. You should look out for tactical ways to fit these high-value letters in your words.

For a big bonus, you should remember words that contain these letters. For example, you can remember words like JINX, JUKEBOXES, OXIDIZE, JAZZ, etc.

Letters like “Z”, “Q” and “J” are worth ten points each. Hence, these letters have the highest value in this game. The letter “X” is worthy of eight points too.

  • Build off the Letter “R” if You Have Got a Lot of Vowels 


If you have a ton of vowels like A, E, I, O, and U, you might feel helpless. But, you can turn that into an opportunity if you wish. All you have to do is look for an “R”.

You can form a lot of words with the help of a tile that says “R”. Words like – UREA, AREA, EERIE, etc. These vowels can be of more help to you if you find “R” on the board.

  • Save Your “S” Letter Tiles From Your Opponent


The letter “S” holds a lot of value and through this single letter, one can make uncountable words and in turn, earn a lot of points.

You can simply add the letter “S” to a word and earn points for a whole word including the “S”.

If your opponent or your girl best friend has made a word called – DOCK, then you can simply add “S” and earn a point.

If you have made a word like KNOCK, then make sure that your opponent does not take advantage after adding “S” to it, instead, take the opportunity first.

  • Learn Words That Don’t Contain Any Vowels 


You should remain prepared for a situation where you do not have any vowels left. There are several words that you can make without vowels.

Words like RHYTHM, and CRYPT can do good. Words With Friends allows you to use words like HMM, SHH, PSST, TSK, and more.

You should always be ready for such a situation in the game and should not give up if you fall short of vowels.

Final Thoughts

Words With Friends

While playing the Words With Friends game, you should always take a defensive approach. Instead of playing an aggressive game, you should focus on blocking your opponent’s chances to score.

Words With Friends is a great word game and a good alternative to Scrabble. You can easily conquer your friends in this game if you follow the given tactics.

By Kate

Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.

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