Style Squad Hype Hair Floral Frenzy Styling Set

WowWee toys, known for Fingerlings and Party Surprise, has introduced a new product called WowWee Style Squad – Hype Hair Floral Frenzy. This exciting styling set allows kids to decorate flowers and then use them to stamp their hair, creating lots of different designs.

How to use

Styling Tool

Put one or two flowers on any of the circle flowers on the case. Line up the holes.  Take a jewel and place it in top of the flower. Push the stamper down. Don’t press the top of the button. Now you place the stamper in the hair and push. The flower should now be in your hair.

My thoughts

Style Squad Hype Hair Floral Frenzy Styling Set

I enjoy using the styling set to do my dolls’ hair. It’s really fun pretending to be a beauty salon. Sometimes the flowers fall off the styling tool, and that really annoys me. This is what my mom believes.

Mom’s thoughts and other stuff

Style Squad Hype Hair Floral Frenzy Styling Set

Each set contains five sequin jewels sheets, three double-sided paper flower sheets, two single-sided paper flower sheets, 12 fabric flowers, and one storage case and stamper.


I found that the flowers didn’t always stay in Miss P’s hair. When creating the flowers you had to line them up just right. They also fell off the little tool that you use to put them in the hair.

When stamping the flower to hair, be gentle, and don’t push down too hard.

Style Squad Hype Hair Floral Frenzy Styling Set
Style Squad Hype Hair Floral Frenzy Styling Set is recommended for kids ages 6 and up! Find out more at


By Miss P

Meet Miss P, an elementary school student with a passion for exploring the latest toys, and crafts. When she's not busy at school, she dives into a world of creativity and hangs out with her dog. Whether she’s making crafts, drawing, or playing video games, Miss P knows how to keep things fun.

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