Effective Ways To Prevent Dry Socket After Tooth Extraction

Most dentists prefer to avoid extracting your teeth if at all possible. That’s because they would rather work with what you have and help you preserve your teeth into old age. Of course, there are times when tooth extraction is the only option.

If this is the case then it is important that you use a reputable Alexandria dentist and that you follow their guidelines regarding looking after the extraction site.

This is the best way to avoid dry socket.

What Is Dry Socket?

ToothThe first thing you should note is that dry socket is extremely painful. When a tooth is extracted you have an empty pocket in your gum where the tooth used to be. This area can bleed and a blood clot will form.

The blood clot performs a valuable service, it protects the tissue and bone in the pocket while the area heals. Without the blood clot, the wound is open and bacteria can get in. This is likely to result in an infection. The dislodgement of the blood clot will also mean your nerves are exposed and this is very painful. It’s the lack of blood clots that is known as dry mouth.

The good news is that research suggests less than 5% of people get dry socket after tooth extraction.

It is worth noting that you are more likely to suffer from dry socket after a tooth extraction in the lower jaw, the removal of your wisdom teeth, and it is most likely to occur within seven days of surgery.

Best Way To Prevent Dry Socket

As mentioned, it is essential to use a reputable dentist, this will decrease your chances of getting a dry socket. Alongside this you should do the following:

  • Stop smoking

If you are a smoker it is advisable to stop several days before your extraction surgery. It is also beneficial to avoid restarting for several days after the procedure. It will reduce the risk of dislodging the blood clot.

  • Tell your dentist about medications

Effective Ways To Prevent Dry Socket After Tooth ExtractionBefore you have the tooth extracted it is important that your dentist is aware of all medications you are taking, whether prescription or over the counter.

This will ensure they are aware of the risks and can adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

  • Maintain oral health

It is essential to continue brushing, flossing, and rinsing daily. Good oral health will help all your teeth. You can use an antibacterial mouthwash to help kill any bacteria that may be trying to slip past your blood clot.

  • Brush the area gently

While maintaining oral health is important, you should also be aware that vigorous brushing can be an issue. Make sure the brush is run over the extracted tooth area slowly and lightly. This reduces the chances of you dislodging the clot.

  • Avoid spitting

Finally, spitting is one of the easiest ways to dislodge the clot, simply because it places pressure on your mouth and teeth. Although you may taste a little blood after the surgery, you need to swallow it instead of spitting it. This helps to maintain oral health and avoid another tooth extraction.


By Kate

Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.

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