We’re all familiar with what happens each year as the weather cools. Everything has pumpkin spice in it, retailers start to roll out out the early black Friday deals, and men start to grow out there facial hair for the month of November.  Movember the month formerly known as November is an annual event involving the growing of mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide. As winter rolls around,  some men  keep their facial hair aspiring for a luscious lumberjack beard.To get that lumberjack beard you have to put some extra care into. Some men don’t make it pass the 30 days because it becomes to itchy.  But even Santa himself has to put extra care into his beard. When it comes to facial hair, products like beard balm and beard spray not only condition the beard, but help control and style the entire beard. Eco-Bee: Friends of Nature beard balm and beard spray is the answer to a clean, tidy beard and mustache that smells wonderful and stays in place. Whether you are going for a classic style, or just want to clean up your look these two products will have you holiday photo ready.

Beard BalmBeard Balm

Beard balm is a leave-in conditioner that moisturizes, conditions, and helps style your beard. Among the many oils and butters in Eco-Bee: Friends of Nature beard balm they include shea butter for softening and moisturizing, jojoba oil for conditioning and booting growth, and beeswax as a protectant for sealing in moisture. These ingredients are aimed at facilitating proper beard grooming and when naturally based, should not have negative side effects on your skin or beard.

Contains avocado oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, and therapeutic grade essential oils of cedar wood, tea tree, cinnamon, clove, & sweet orange. 2 oz. tin.

Anyone with a beard can use beard balm, but it is most useful for medium and long beards that need extra nourishment. Beard balm can also be used as a low-hold styling agent for your mustache.

My husband tried the beard balm and was quite impressed. It has reduced his beard itch a lot. It has a terrific scent and holds any straggler hairs nicely in place!

Beard Spray

A fresh scented, leave-in spray conditioner with notes of cedar wood, rosemary, & peppermint for men’s hair and beards. This handy leave-in spray can be used daily or in between deep conditioning sessions to moisturize, soften and hydrate beards or hair, leaving behind a clean, alluring scent. It travels easily and can be tossed in a travel or gym bag for guys on the go.

Made with all natural ingredients, our spray contains organic apple cider vinegar, pure witch hazel distillate, and therapeutic grade essential oils of cedar wood, peppermint, & rosemary. 2.7 oz. bottle.

Beard spray has a wonderful scent. It is not over whelming. It’s like an outdoor scent. The cedar-wood is really subtle. Its works great at managing and maintaining your beard. Especially if you end up with stray hairs with a mind of their own. My husband beard usually dries out and gets pretty itchy yet the beard balm and spray has made it noticeably softer and it’s not itchy at all.

It might seem like a daunting task to grow a beard, but it’s not actually that difficult. It all comes down to taking care of it and Eco-Bee: Friends of Nature products help do just that.


Just like in the song Daddy’s Hands by Holly Dunn you could read quite a story in the callous’ and lines in daddy’s hands.Years of work and worry had left their mark behind. While calluses are the body’s natural response to hard labor, calluses can prove painful to heal.

The power of  Eco-Bee: Friends of Nature Calendula Salve makes it perfect for everyday use on dry, cracked, and extremely sensitive skin.  While it soothes calluses it can also be used for blistered feet, chaffed skin, rashes, burns, cuts, scrapes, and insect bites.

For external use only. Test on a small area of skin before use.

Carefully cleanse the irritated skin with water and soap. Gently massage the affected area twice a day or as needed.

Our salve contains local & raw unprocessed beeswax, organic coconut oil, organic olive oil, organic avocado oil, organic slow infused calendula flower oil, turmeric, organic calendula petals, and high therapeutic grade essential oils of lavender & tea tree. Comes in a reusable, 4 oz. tin!


With the ongoing pandemic, small businesses need support now more than ever. This holiday season before you hit Winners for your men care needs consider shopping Eco-Bee: Friends of Nature.

Eco-Bee: Friends of Nature

Eco-Bee: Friends of Nature was founded in 2017 by Ontarian, Renée Cingolani. Renée comes from a feisty Italian & German family background. She is a musician by trade, former owner of a performing arts academy, hobbyist chef, avid organic gardener, outdoor enthusiast, homeopathy experimenter, and lover of all things nature!

Living in the country, Renée and her family have always tried to maintain a sustainable, self-sufficient home life. Eating from the land and living a natural and simple lifestyle, reducing their environmental footprint has always been a priority. Beeswax has become a staple and household standby. It pleasantly scents their home, textures and preserves her herbal remedies, waterproofs her garden equipment and hats, and lights their rooms with its sweet, golden light. Her wax products have helped the family make the move from toxic substances and disposable plastics to reusable and renewable, health conscious products.

Website: Organic, Handmade Beeswax Food Wraps & Products (ecobeefriendsofnature.ca)

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By Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!

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