dropsy card game

Dropsy is a dexterity party game for two or more players aged seven and up. In this fun new card game from Endless Games, all you have to do is get three of the same color cards. I know what you are thinking. That seems easy enough. Dropsy Card Game is everything, but easy. Endless Games has players holding their cards in some unusual ways while trying to get their three-of-a-kind cards.

DropsyHow to Play Dropsy Card Game


On your first turn, you will draw a card and set it in front of you face-up. This is the color you will be trying to collect for this round. On subsequent turns, you will also draw one card. If it is the color you are collecting, just place it face-up next to the other cards in your collection. But when it isn’t, which will happen most of the time, you must hold it. You can wind up holding these cards that you would normally discard under your chin, on top of your head, on the back of your hand, between your fingers, under your arms, and more. If you “Dropsy” your card you have to start all over again. Some holds are more difficult than others, such as carrying the card on one’s head or hand. If a card falls but you manage to catch it in any manner, you can take the time to put it back where it belongs.


Winning the Game


Players keep collecting and holding cards each turn until someone manages to collect three matching colored cards without dropping any. That player is the winner of Dropsy!

How long is the Dropsy Card Game?

Games play is relatively fast lasting 15 or 20 minutes depending on how quickly players draw their cards or drop their cards.

dropsy card gameMy Thoughts

I didn’t mind the Dropsy Card game, but it is not one that I see my family playing a lot. In all though it makes for plenty of laughs whenever the cards finally do take a tumble. And lets face it during these days of uncertainty in the mist of a pandemic when nothing is normal we all need a laugh. Why not pick up the card game Dropsy for someone you ares hopping for this upcoming holiday season.

Dropsy is one of the latest in Endless Games’ line of cool games that already includes The Floor is Lava, That Was Awkword , and Red Light Green Light.

About Endless Games

Founded in 1996 by industry veterans Mike Gasser, Kevin McNulty, and game inventor Brian Turtle, Endless Games specializes in games that offer classic entertainment and hours of fun at affordable prices. The three have an uncanny ability for discovering and developing hit games, having been a part in past successes Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, and Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. The general principle of Endless Games is to produce high-quality entertainment in board games that are quick and easy to learn but offer “Endless” play value. To learn more about the company and where to purchase its unique line of entertainment products, visit www.endlessgames.com.

By Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!

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