Woo-Hoo - children's game

Are you looking for a fun and interactive game that will keep your children entertained for hours? Look no further than the Woo-Hoo children’s game from Brain Games! This exciting game is designed to challenge your child’s critical thinking skills while providing hours of entertainment. In this article, we will explore the features of the Woo-Hoo game and why it is a must-have for any family game night.

Woo-Hoo children's game

The Woo-Hoo children’s game contents include one 3D elephant slide, four wooden garden gnomes in red, blue, yellow, and green, and two wooden dice, along with game rules. There are also 20 pre-cut-out tiles in four different colors, each showing a child’s toy; such as a giraffe, a rubber duck, a sun, a teddy bear, a ball and a car, etc. The toy tiles get placed inside the sandbox.

How to play Woo-Hoo

woohooYou start the game by placing the Elephant slide you have assembled in the middle of the table and placing the toy tiles inside the box’s bottom, which resembles the sandbox. The youngest player begins the game and turns pass in a clockwise direction.

Woo-Hoo has two modes of play to choose from. Which mode you play depends on your child’s age. Players take turns rolling their die and moving the appropriate number of steps up the elephant slide. When you reach the 6th (and final) step, your gnome slides down the elephant and collects any one toy of your choice from the sandbox. In the “advanced” rules for 5 years old and upwards, you collect the number of toys you roll with the pips dice. Kids will love sliding their gnomes down the slide. This is Miss P’s favorite part aside from winning the game.

Woo-Hoo children's game

If you roll a Zero, your Gnome doesn’t move. In the beginner version, you land on a step where another gnome is already standing, and jump over him to the next step. In the advanced version if you land on the same step as another Gnome you send that Gnome down one step. If you roll the two arrows then your Gnome swaps places with another Gnome.

Woo-Hoo - children's game

The game ends when all of the toys have been collected. You can also win by collecting all 5 toys of the same color of toy. We prefer to play by whoever has the most toys at the end of the game wins.

Our Thoughts

Woo-Hoo children’s game is recommended for children aged three and up. I find the game perfect for preschoolers and children aged four to five. The game is simple enough that even a child that cannot count, can play it with some assistance.

Miss P who is six found the game too easy. Nonetheless, that did not stop her from loving the game and giving it two thumbs up. Of all the board games in our house, Woo-Hoo is now one of her favorites.

I like that it is a quick game that you can play while you are waiting for dinner to cook or you can play a quick game of it before bed.

Website: https://www.publishing.brain-games.com

By Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!

5 thought on “Woo-Hoo children’s game from Brain Games”
  1. so fun! something we definitely need more of is board games. we only have a couple but i would love to have a family game day on the weekends especially with the colder weather coming

  2. Sounds like a pretty fun game, I like that it won’t take forever to play, my granddaughter loves to play games, but she can never finish a game

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