ToyLet potty training system

PottyWhen it comes to potty training parents want to make the transition as easy as possible. I am not lying, potty training was never my favorite job. Potty training takes much planning, and part of that planning consists of character underwear, books, and incentives. Aside from those things you want to find the best potty for the job. As with all things baby-related, there are so many brands on the market. This can make choosing the correct potty difficult. With so many wonderful features, the ToyLet Toilet Training Potty is one of the best potty chairs on the market.

ToyLet Toilet Training Potty

Resembling a regular toilet, this smaller version may just be a step in the right direction toward potty training. It can help with the transition from the little potty to the regular one. The ToyLet Potty Training Toilet not only looks like the real thing, but it has similar features as well. The lid opens just like the real thing and the toilet makes a realistic flushing sound. This can actually get your child used to the intimating sound of a toilet.

ToyLet® Toilet Training Potty

ToyLet Toilet Training PottyThe back tank of the potty opens and features a built-in compartment for wipes, making them easy to access when it comes time to clean up. It even features a pull-out toilet roll holder on the side for convenient access. If you are not going to use flushable wipes, you can use the back of the toilet to store other things.

If you are potty training a boy, you will be glad to know the ToyLet Toilet Training Potty has an integrated splash guard which actually stays in place. Therefore, allowing you to cut down on post-potty cleanup by helping help keep the pee in the potty. The removable insert also makes cleanup quick and easy.

As far as price goes, the ToyLet Potty Training Toilet is more affordable than similar potties on the market. With all the features of the ToyLet Toilet Training Potty and the price, this potty is an excellent investment.

Potty Training Gift

If you are looking for non-toy gifts for a child, why not consider giving a potty this upcoming Christmas to parents who are about to start potty training? With it, you can include some potty books. Potty training books are a wonderful way to introduce the potty to a child. You could also include reward stickers, Kandoo Flushable wipes, and a potty training chart.


By Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!

3 thought on “ToyLet Toilet Training Potty makes training easy”
  1. I need to invest in a potty for my little one. She sits on my friend’s potty, which is similar to this one, but a bit different.

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