How to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Quit SmokingAbout 5.8 million Canadians smoke cigarettes. Statistics tell us that many smokers want to quit. In fact research reveals that smokers make an average of 30 attempts to quit smoking before they are successful. Despite these struggles, quitting is worth it. Don’t wait until 2019 to make a resolution to stop smoking. Start today! End 2018 and start a new year smoke free.

It’s never too late to quit smoking! Like many my father started smoking in his teenage years. After almost 60 years and after several failed attempts my father quit smoking cold turkey.

Cold turkey is a term used when someone stops smoking without the use of aids such as patches, nicotine gum or e-liquid. In fact several studies have revealed the best way to quit smoking is by going cold turkey.

Quitting smoking cold turkey requires significant commitment and most of all willpower.

Avoid Temptation

Remove the odor of cigarettes from your home,  clothing and car. Avoid situations where you tend to smoke. If you have a cigarette every morning with your coffee, you may want to switch to herbal tea while you give up smoking.

Support Team

Let your friends and family in on your plan to quit smoking and don’t let other smokers smoke in your home. When friends, and family, smoke around you, it can be difficult to give up or avoid relapse.

Manage Your Stress

Becoming active is the best way to manage your stress. Go outside and take the dog for a walk, cut the grass, or take up a new hobby. Do activities that calm you.

Remind Yourself

If you are tempted to pick up a cigarette remind yourself why you quit in the first place.

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for getting through your first few days smoke free.

If cold turkey isn’t your thing, then you can certainly try quitting gradually. Talk to your doctor and see if anti-smoking medication is an option for you. Quitting is a difficult task. Even if you pick up smoking again after you attempted to quit, don’t let it discourage you. My advice to you if this happens, is to try to smoke as little as possible and when you’re ready, try again. Good luck!

Recommended reading – The Break It Off campaign encourages young adult smokers to “break off” their bad relationship with smoking and stay smoke-free. The Break It Off website has tools and resources that will help adults work through the various stages of breaking up with smoking.

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!
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10 thoughts on “How to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

  1. My husband quit smoking 16 years ago but took Zyban to help him. He tried to quit cold turkey before and just couldn’t do it.

  2. I smoked for 14 years. I quit cold turkey but it was all thanks to getting pregnant with my second daughter. i quit with my first but went back to it shortly after giving birth. with my second i quit and this time never went back. it had helped that we moved an hour away from my family which are all smokers and so i had no influences around me. going on 5 years smoke free

  3. I could not quit cold turkey, so I started to vape, I started out at 24mg nicotine and worked my way down to 0mg and after that gave up vaping all together, I have been smoke free and vape free for 3 years now, the vape helped me with the hand to mouth motion you get when smoking, a lot of people disagree with vaping but it was the best decision I have ever nade in my life!!

  4. My partner has been struggling to with quitting. I will have to suggest he read this post. 🙂 thanks for the tips.

  5. Lots of good information,I was a smoker for 30 years and have just about 5 years quit now and it wasn’t easy.It’s a horrible addiction!

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