
Types of Wine Every Household Should Have Stocked

Even if you’re not a wine collector, you should keep a modest selection of wines in your home. You never know when a special occasion will present itself. When you are faced with those home entertaining opportunities, it will be important to have the right wines for each occasion.

Riesling WineRiesling

Keeping a bottle of Riesling is particularly wise because this white wine can be enjoyed by virtually anyone. Even those who don’t normally like to drink wine will enjoy the tangerine and apple aroma of this blend. The rich, sweet taste has been compared to lemon dessert bars, making this type of wine perfect for accompanying spicy meals.

Moscato WineMoscato

When browsing for wines to add to your collection, picking Moscato wine is essential. This is a sweet white wine that derives its flavor from a high sugar content, but typically has a low alcohol content. This combination makes Moscato wines ideal for after dinner conversation and the dessert course. The wine packs a little punch with a slight fizz and is typically flavored with nectarines, peaches, and oranges.

Pinot NoirPinot Noir

A list of the most essential types of wines to have on hand wouldn’t be complete without Pinot noir. This is a red wine best enjoyed by new or finicky wine drinkers, who may be turned off by the dryness and bland flavor of other types of red wine. Pinot noir wines tend to be sweeter, offered in flavors such as cherry or cranberry. Generally, Pinot Noir is the more closely associated with fruit juices than any other type of wine.

Sauvignon Blanc

While many people like sweeter wines, not everyone goes for fruity flavors. If that sounds like you or your friends, keeping some Sauvignon Blanc in the house may be a necessity for home entertaining. This is a white wine that has a crisp, dry taste to it. There’s still a light citrus flavor to it, but it’s tempered by bell pepper, basil, and other spices to give it a cleaner taste. Best served with goat cheese, this is the perfect option for summer afternoons.

Sauvignon Blanc

Zinfandel Wines

Most Zinfandels are best enjoyed in short bursts because they have the very sweet “jam” taste that people often think of when discussing wines. Common flavors are cherry and blueberry. While Zinfandel wines are richly flavored with fruits, they also have a smoky flavoring that sets them apart from many other types of wine. This melding of rich flavors makes it ideal for wintry nights, though it can also be enjoyed in the spring and summer. Additionally, Zinfandels give off a warming sensation that may delight the drinker in cooler environments. Zinfandels  also pairs well with chocolate.

Gamay WinesGamay wines

Gamay wines are lighter red wines that go easy on flavor, making them ideal for more casual, social drinking. Although the flavors can be a little tart and sparkly, berry flavorings make Gamay wines fun to drink. Depending on your location, it may be difficult to find a Gamay wine. If this is the case, select a wine produced in the Beaujolais region of France, as most of these wines are Gamay.

These are just a few examples of the types of wines you should always keep on hand for home entertaining. As you begin to experience their flavors, you’ll develop your own sense of taste that will help you select the right wine for any occasion. Tastes vary from person to person, so keeping a small selection on hand can help you keep your guests happy, no matter how sensitive their palates.


I'm a word wizard, spinning tales and crafting content like a caffeinated octopus on a laptop! Whether it's articles, blogs, or digital magic, I whip up all kinds of written delights.
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2 thoughts on “Types of Wine Every Household Should Have Stocked

  1. Wow, I had no idea that there are several types of wine, and some of them are made of fruit juices that make it sweet. My brother wants to celebrate his partner’s promotion, but he’s not sure where to begin. He should probably consider looking for a wine store where he can try this out.

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