Whiffer Sniffers have become a household name, capturing the hearts of children and collectors alike. With their unique blend of fun designs and captivating scents, it’s no surprise that they continue to grow in popularity. Series 5 is here, bringing a fresh wave of excitement and innovation. This article explores the key advancements in Whiffer Sniffers Series 5, showcasing why these new features are making waves.
Collect Them All
With a total of 12 characters to collect in Whiffer Sniffers Series 5, the hunt for your favorite scent is part of the fun. Each character comes with its own unique scent and personality, making it even more exciting to add to your collection. From the playful Poppy Corn to the tropical Tami Tangerine, there’s a character for every scent enthusiast.
- Birthday Cake Jake • birthday cake scented
- Strawberry Twirl (ballerina) • strawberry scented
- Rudy B. Floats • root beer scented
- Mr. Fudgentop • fudge ice cream scented
- Hal O. Ween (holiday Halloween donut) • donut scented
- GOLD BAG – Mr. Gooeytop • caramel ice cream scented
- Cheri Cherry • cherry scented
- Perry • pear scented
- Marty McPie • pumpkin pie scented
- Ben Toasted • grape pastry scented
- Ed Nog • egg nog scented
- GOLD BAG – Berry Toasted • strawberry pastry scented
All the characters in Whiffer Sniffers series 5 are absolutely charming! If I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be Marty McPie. Miss P has a special fondness for Strawberry Twirl since it’s a ballerina, just like her, and she also enjoys Birthday Cake Jake.
Not only are Whiffer Sniffers cute, but they also have delightful scents! Each character is designed like a tasty treat and comes with a fun fragrance. The 4-inch Whiffer Sniffers even feature a clip, making them perfect for hanging on kids’ backpacks for a stylish touch. The scents are light and pleasant, lasting for up to a year without being overwhelming.
My daughter loves to collect mini toys and is always adding to her collection. Whiffer Sniffers are a fantastic addition for her! With new series being released regularly, her collection keeps growing.
These adorable toys also make great budget-friendly gifts for kids, especially for birthdays. There’s even one named Birthday Cake Jake! Whiffer Sniffers aren’t just for children; adults enjoy them too. Parents who grew up in the 80s will appreciate the nostalgia, as they remind them of the classic scratch-and-sniff stickers and clothing from that era.
If you prefer not to have clips, you can opt for the Super Sniffers, which are larger plush figures with delightful scents.
Where to Find Whiffer Sniffers Series 5
If you’re eager to start collecting Whiffer Sniffers Series 5, you’re in luck. These adorable toys can be found at select retailers and online stores, making it easy to track down your favorite characters. Whether you’re adding to an existing collection or starting fresh, Whiffer Sniffers Series 5 is a must-have for any scent enthusiast.
In conclusion, Whiffer Sniffers Series 5 offers a unique and exciting twist on traditional collectibles. With a diverse range of scents and characters to choose from, this latest collection is sure to delight collectors of all ages. So why wait? Start your scent-sational journey with Whiffer Sniffers Series 5 today!
What’s your favorite Whiffer Sniffer from series 5?
My daughter would LOVE Rudy B Floats! Thanks for the opportunity! We do not yet own any.
I like the STRAWBERRY TWIRL SUPER SNIFFER, I don’t think my granddaughter has any of these yet
My favorite is definitely the STRAWBERRY TWIRL SUPER SNIFFER. I have seen these in person before and OMG are they ever cute.
We don’t own any Wiffer Sniffer and this is the first time I’ve heard of them. Sydney likes the Hal O. Ween (holiday Halloween donut) • donut scented one.
We don’t own any, but Marty McPie really sounds glorious!
We don’t have any Wiffer Sniffer
We dont have any but i like the strawberry twirl super sniffer.
My favorite of all the Wiffer Sniffers would be the STRAWBERRY TWIRL SUPER SNIFFER. The Marty McPie pumpkin scent would also be a nice one.They really look super cute! 🙂
Cheri Cheri is cute! My daughter has Sugar cake
My favorite is birthday cake.
strawberry twirl super sniffer We do not own any yet
Favourite whiffer sniffers from series 5 is STRAWBERRY TWIRL SUPER SNIFFER. We never heard of Whiffer Sniffers until today.
We don’t have a wider sniffer but all my daughters friends have them hanging off their backpacks!
Birthday cake Jake would smell awesome!
strawberry twirl super sniffer, we don’t have any yet
I like the Sugar Cake backpack clip, no we do not have any of these yet.
Strawberry Twirl.. dang these are so freaking cute!
The Ed Nog is my favourite. We don’t have any yet.
My fav would be Hal O. Ween, even if it wasn’t October!
We don’t own any but out of the scents I think Cheri Cherry cherry scented would be our favorite
I love Birthday Cake Jake! My kids do not yet own any Whiffer Sniffers.
I would love the birthday cake whiffer sniffer!
do not currently have any but strawberry twirl would be nice
Truth be told, I like all of them! Since I’m ready for the winter holidays, Ed Nog is pretty darn cute. 🙂
I like ED NOG BACKPACK CLIP would look super cute on little ones bag.
We do not have any of these and I had not heard of them until I happened upon this blog post. I love them all so cute, but favorite would have to be Strawberry swirl
My favorite is birthday cake. Thank you!
The Sugar Cake backpack clip is cute, she does not have any yet.
Ed Nog is super cute! We don’t own any yet. Honestly, I’ve never heard of them.
strawberry twirl super sniffer
I like birthday cake
Birthday cake scented!
My girls don’t own any yet but the egg nog is adorable for this time of year
birthday cake
I am not familiar with this. But I know my family would like it. Thanks for sharing.
I would like Cheri Cherry. I don’t own any yet.
No we don’t own any yet
Love Willy be Chilly..this is the first I’ve heard of these!