sleep trainer clock

Kid’Sleep Moon Sleep Trainer Clock

 Sleep Trainer ClockIt’s 5 a.m. The sun is not yet up, but our four year old daughter is. Every parents knows this situation all so well! Designed to help kids like my daughter understand the difference between night and day,  Kid’Sleep Moon Sleep Trainer Clock is an innovative,  which tells her when it’s time to go to sleep and time to wake up. How brilliant is that?

The product actually serves two roles. For babies, it is a night light, displaying a cute illuminated cartoon image of a baby bunny sleeping on a hammock under the moon. It also features 4 lullabies – 2 lullabies, fountain and heartbeat to help baby drift to sleep. These play for 3 minutes and then automatically shut off. For toddlers and older children, the clock is a sleep training tool to teach kids when it is time to go to bed and when it is time to get up. We recommend the sleep trainer functions from about age 2 1/2 years and up.

The Kid’Sleep Moon features 3 settings: night, nap and weekend. It also includes a 10 minute “go-to-sleep” program. The “go to sleep” function is actually one of my favorite features of the sleep trainer clock.

Press the GS button and hold for 2-3 sec. This begins a “go to sleep” process. This is a great time to have your child settle down in bed while you read them a book. We set our count down to active ten minutes before bed.

My daughter loves watching the sun go down and watching the moonSleep trainers come up. When it gets to the last ten second my daughter loves counting down with me.  Once the time is up it plays a little music clue letting my daughter know it’s now bedtime and switches to the sleeping rabbit light.

In the morning, when the moon begins to set (you can adjust the duration), my daughter knows it’s nearly time to get up! During this time, my daughter can play quietly in her room, or stay in bed and read a book! Other sleep trainer clocks don’t have this function.

When it is time to wake up, the switch from sleeping to awaking character can be accompanied by any of 4 different choices of alarm (or the choice of no alarm). Alarm sounds are chirping bird, rooster, train or coo coo clock. We chose the rooster. The alarm sound isn’t overly loud. There is also four levels of brightness to choose from.

The sleep trainer clock has two separate pictures, which light up. The main screen is divided into 2 picture scenarios. The top section of the screen features a rabbit awake and at play. The bottom section features a rabbit asleep in his bed. The sleeping rabbit illuminates, so that your child knows that it is time to go to bed or stay in bed. Once the playing rabbit illuminates, this is an indication to your little one that they may now get up.

Sleep trainerAlso included is a picture insert showing only the rabbit asleep, just in case you plan to use Kid’Sleep Moon as a night light instead. The light on the clock isn’t too bright that it will keep baby awake.

The Kid’Sleep Moon Sleep Trainer Clock comes with an AC adapter. While we recommend using the clock plugged in, it can also operate with 3 AAA batteries, making the clock great for travel or sleepovers. The clock doesn’t have battery back-up, so save time by plugging it in where you plan to use it. I do wish it had the ability to hold on to its settings when it gets unplugged. The clock can also be wall mounted to keep it out of reach of little fingers.

As a mother I love being able to use this as another tool in our bedtime/waking routine. I have been using the Kid’Sleep Moon with my 4 year old and it has been helping her learn when it is time to get up and when it is time for bed. I love how the digital time is also displayed. Since she hasn’t  learned to tell time yet she uses the pictures and alarms as her aid.

Overall, the Kid’Sleep Moon Sleep Trainer Clock is a great way to ensure that we all get a good night’s sleep and have a happier morning! Head over to Around The Crib to see for yourself the great selection of products they offer. Looking for an alarm clock for the older ones? Around the Crib has those too.


Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!
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