The Irish Fairy Door

The Irish Fairy Door enhances your child’s imaginative experience and literally–opens the door to a land filled with wishes and fantasy. Created by life-long friends Niamh Sherwin Barry and Aoife Lawler, along with their husbands Oisin and Gavin, The Irish Fairy Door Company helps fairies relocate into human homes.

The Irish Fairy Door Review

Irish Fairy Door These Irish handcrafted fairy doors come in a selection of colours, finished with different decorations such as butterflies, mushrooms and flowers. The door is sure to bring imaginative play to any household.

When your fairy door arrives make sure to choose a name for your new fairy and register it at You will be sent a lease agreement for the fairy’s new home. A contract for all the family to sign is also included in the box. Also included is a set of stepping stones, a key for the fairy and a book to learn all about your fairy.

My daughter decided to name her Fairy Lilly. Once you have registered the name you need to leave the little key outside the Fairy Door before bed and your very own fairy will find her way and take the key during the night. My daughter was so excited by the whole experience.  She eagerly awaited the visit from ‘Lilly . When morning came she was so thrilled to see that ‘Lilly’ had taken the key and let herself in to her new door.

There is plenty of information on the website if your child wants to learn a little more about what the fairies.  Also the contract that comes with every door outlines exactly what humans are expected to do to make sure all the family respects the fairy’s. As mentioned previously all the family have to sign the contract and agree to follow all the fairy rules.

The sweetest part about this play set is that parents can also get in on the fun. The set comes with a small note pad for kids to write teeny, tiny letters to their fairies, and then leave them by the door. Parents can take the letter and leave behind a message or small gift in return to play along.

Since ‘Lilly’ has been coming and going, my daughter has received lots of little notes from Lilly using the tiny fairy notebook that comes with the fairy door and she has received some gifts.

My daughter absolutely loves her fairy door and she truly believes that her little fairy, ‘Lilly’ comes to visit. Right now Lilly is busy helping Santa at his workshop, but after the holidays she will be back for more adventures.

The quality and attention to detail of the Irish Fairy Door Company’s products is fantastic and the magic they bring into a child’s life is priceless.

Do you remember that scene in Peter Pan after Captain Hook has poisoned Tinkerbell? Tinkerbell’s light is fading, and has almost gone out, and Peter says, “She’s going to die unless we do something. Clap your hands! Clap your hands and say, ‘I believe in fairies!’ Peter, on his knees cries out for all to hear, “I do believe in fairies, I do! I DO!”

After-all, when it comes to magic, a big part is believing. I do believe in fairies, I do! I DO and The Irish Fairy Door Company has made it possible for you and your child to believe too!

I hope you have enjoyed reading about The Irish Fairy Door company and will consider purchasing your very own Irish Door for a child in your life this holiday season.


Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!
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One thought on “The Irish Fairy Door

  1. These are so adorable! I had won one from a blog and I’m waiting for it to come in. I’m pretty anxious!

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