The Haywire Group

Are you looking for a fun and exciting game to add to family game night? Look no further than Action Princesses, a cooperative game that will keep your kids entertained for hours on end. In this review, we will dive into the world of Action Princesses and explore all the reasons why it’s a must-have addition to your child’s game collection.

How to play Action Princesses cooperative game

Action Princesses

Each player selects their favorite prince or princess to navigate along the path. Shuffle the moat cards and arrange them face down in a circle around the castle. Then, shuffle the path cards and distribute ten to each player. Each player will create their own winding path with these cards, ensuring the green action side remains face down. Players should place their chosen prince or princess on the table next to their first path card.

To start the game, the youngest player takes the first turn, and play continues in a clockwise direction. Roll the dice and move your character the number of spaces indicated towards the castle. Flip over the card you land on and perform the action it specifies, such as walking and quacking like a duck. Once completed, return the card to its original position, place your prince or princess on it, and pass the turn to the next player on the left.

Children stay engaged in the game as they get up to hula, hop like frogs, dance like ballerinas, and more, making their way down the stone path to the castle.

Upon reaching the center, the moat cards prompt players to perform actions together, like twirling around like tornadoes.

While on the moat path, a player rolls the die and can move in either direction. The card they land on is then revealed, which could be an action card, sword card, key card, or dragon card. Action cards require all players to join in the action together.

To win the game, players must collect the sword and key cards before revealing the three dragon cards. If the dragon cards are revealed first, the dragon wins, and the game starts over.

When the game concludes, all pieces can be neatly stored inside the castle for easy cleanup.

Although the game is designed for children aged 5 and up, younger kids, around 3 or 4, can also enjoy it with some assistance from older siblings or parents.

Cooperative games such as Action Princesses help promote collaborative skills, and teach sportsmanship. They are fun, especially for young children, as they focus on the importance of play. Be sure to check out other fun games from the Haywire Group.

Action Princesses

In conclusion, Action Princesses is a delightful cooperative game that offers fun for players of all ages. With its engaging gameplay, beautiful artwork, and high replay value, it’s a must-have addition to any game night. So gather your friends and family, choose your favorite princess, and get ready for an epic adventure!


By Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!

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