Childproofing Electrical Outlets

Coverplug, Inc.

When was the last time you crawled around your home on your hands and knees? Don’t laugh! Household injuries are one of the top reasons children under 3 visit the emergency room each year. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2,400 children are sent to the ER from electrical outlets injuries.  Today we are going to look at childproofing electrical outlets.

The most inexpensive safety outlet cover, are the small caps with prongs, which fit directly into outlet holes. The drawback with these is that children can figure out how to remove them. They are also small enough for an infant or toddler to put in their Childproofing Electrical Outletsmouth; therefore they can be a choking hazard for very young children.

The Coverplug Electrical Outlet Cover was tested by a series of independent parent testers and received a glowing review as well as winning the National Parenting Center Seal of Approval, sadly it did not receive such a glowing review from me.

The Coverplug Electrical Outlet Cover is easily remove by adults, so other cords can be plugged in—but perhaps too easy for some children to remove, as my 2 year old daughter was able to snap it off the switch-plate, within moments of my installing the cover in our hallway.

The other thing I noticed is that the Coverplug Electrical Outlet Cover fit tight in one socket, but was very loose in another.

While I love the overall idea behind the Coverplug Electrical Outlet Cover, a suggestion might be to make it an outlet cover with horizontally sliding doors and a locking mechanism or to make it a two part outlet- with a led that snaps closed when the outlet is not in use.

If you are just looking to camouflage unused outlets, then this might be the cover for you, as the cover can be painted or Coverplug Electrical Outlet Coverwallpapered over to blend in with your walls.

You can check out the “where to buy” section for online retailers that carry coverPlug. You can also find them on Amazon.

I would love to find a cover that is truly childproof in my home. If you have any child tamper-resistant outlet suggestions, I would love to hear them.

There are hundreds of childproofing gadgets on the market, but remember that the most important safety device is always going to be your supervision.

By Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!

One thought on “Childproofing Electrical Outlets”
  1. These are very useful Childproofing Electrical Outlets. I used this because my kids are always playing around the electrical outlets.

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